Agile Media Network



2007年04月15日 お知らせ




この2点は、New York Timesの記事(”Google Buys an Online Ad Firm for $3.1 Billion“)でも、News.comの記事(”Google buys ad firm DoubleClick for $3.1 billion“)でも指摘されています。


“Keeping Microsoft away from DoubleClick is worth billions to Google,” an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, Jordan Rohan, said. “Yet again, Microsoft is on the sidelines and away from the action.”
(”Google Buys an Online Ad Firm for $3.1 Billion”@NYTimes)

Forrester analyst Charlene Li said Google can not only better compete with Yahoo’s strong display advertising business but make it even harder for Microsoft, which recently launched its own search advertising system, to jump in.
(”Google buys ad firm DoubleClick for $3.1 billion”


Google, for all its outsize reputation, has made most of its money in the online basics: the text-based search engine and small text ads that are like the Yellow Pages of the online advertising. DoubleClick’s strength, by contrast, lies in flashy banner ads and, more recently, video ads that are more like high-end magazine or television ads. Google has taken steps in the last year to enter display advertising by expanding its AdSense program but has not gained great traction.(”Google Buys an Online Ad Firm for $3.1 Billion”@NYTimes)

The DoubleClick purchase is worth the price for Google, Li said. “Google has been trying to get into the display ad market for years. It was going to be a long slog for them to compete with DoubleClick for those advertiser relationships.”
(”Google buys ad firm DoubleClick for $3.1 billion”




ただし、そうした懸念などについては当事者側も強く意識しているようで、DoubleClickのCEO、David RosenblattはNYTimesとのインタビューのなかで以下のように語っています。

The sale raises questions about how Google will manage its existing business and that of the new DoubleClick unit while avoiding conflicts of interest. If DoubleClick’s existing clients start to feel that Google is using DoubleClick’s relationships to further its own ad network, some Web publishers or advertisers might jump ship.

Most of DoubleClick’s clients are locked into long-term contracts to keep using DoubleClick. And DoubleClick’s chief executive, David Rosenblatt, said in an interview last night that the company would protect its ability to remain neutral with its clients.

“We are exquisitely sensitive to our role as Switzerland,” Mr. Rosenblatt said. “In the simplest sense, they bought customer relationships, and they’re primarily focused on making sure not only are those relationships preserved but that they are enhanced and made better.”

なお、このニュースに関連して”A VC”ブログのFred Wilsonは、「これはバナー広告が復権する証拠のひとつ」という興味深いコメントをしています(同氏がそう主張する理由は、ひとことでいうと『キーワード市場の飽和』で詳しい説明は以下の通り):

Many marketers have reached the point that they can’t easily buy more search. It’s getting harder. Keyword markets are becoming efficient and supply and demand are coming into balance. Of course, that alone doesn’t mean that all the other money will move into banners. Banners also need to produce measured returns.
But, banners carry branding value that text ads don’t. The return on investment measure is not as cold and hard with banners. And the big branded advertisers that are leaving TV and print in search of better performance on the internet want to be able to brand with their ads. And they want to control where those ads are run. They’ll pay more for those two features.
“The Banner is Back”

また、”Publishing 2.0″のScott Karpは、「Googleが、これまでの超効率的なシステムありきの広告配信プラットフォームに加えて、人(=「人間関係」)が牽引する広告プラットフォームを生み出そうとしている」と指摘。このエントリの最後の部分には、以下の一文が見られます:

“People aren’t nearly as efficient as machines, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be programmed to feed Google’s money making machine.”
(”Google Acquired DoubleClick To Create A People-Driven Advertising Platform“)